#27C Liver Support from Silver Lining Herbs – all-natural herbal dog supplement.
Designed to give full-spectrum support to the liver, helping it overcome the heavy load that today’s medications, chemicals and diets throw at it. The liver is the great detoxifying organ of the body and has enormous impact on overall health and vitality. Just one example is the liver’s role in fighting allergies. Histamines cause the outward symptoms of itching, sneezing and swelling in an allergic reaction. A healthy liver quickly removes these noxious allergens from the body and minimizes their effect. #27 Liver Support contains milk thistle, barberry, burdock, chamomile, eluthro, Oregon grape, turmeric, yerba santa, dandelion and cascara. Directions for use: Caps – feed daily; dogs up to 30 lbs – 1 cap; 30-75 lbs – 2 caps; over 75 lbs – 3 caps. Powder – feed daily; dogs up to 25 lbs – 1/4 scoop (1/8 tsp); 26-50 lbs – 1/2 scoop (1/4 tsp); 51-100 lbs – 3/4 scoop (3/8 tsp); over 100 lbs – 1 scoop (1/2 tsp); 2.5 cc scoop enclosed. For best results, skip feeding herbs 1 day per week. Safe use in pregnant dogs has not been proven. Do not use with stimulant herbs or drugs (contains caffeine).